Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Super Fast Recap from London

so, I´ve tried to blog 3 times and been shut down by some technology or another. Once it was the delete key getting jammed and erasing a whole, once it was TV internet in the hotel, and finally, it was Kelly´s wifi phone. i´m in London now and here´s a fast recap:

Rain - every day at some point

Metz & Strasbourg France: rented a BMW, drove fast on autobahn (120 mph), spoke French poorly, ate spaetzle, saw beautiful cathedrals

Copenhagen, Denmark: more bikers than I´ve seen in any city in the world. they even have turn lanes for bikes. women wear rubber boots - all the time. Beer price= $6 in restaurant, $2 on the street means that you can drink on street everywhere here. rented bikes and saw a whole bunch of stuff. little mermaid statue is lame - I can see why they cut off its head at one point. best Vietnamese food ever. Carlsberg brewery puts all others to shame.

overnight cruise to Oslo, Norway: like a real cruise ship, with cabins, bars nightclubs, movie theater. dinner buffet was great if you like fish & shellfish. woke up early to see us arrive into the fjord of oslo.

Oslo: rather plain. most expensive place Ive ever been. ex. beer = $8-12 at a restaurant. coke is $2.50 in the convenience store. sandwiches are $12. hotel is beautiful. very turn of the century. has a huge library bar and a stuffed bear. His name is Olaf (probably not). again, city is plain. nice, safe, clean, but rather dull. met up with Katharine & Brand (KK´s friends from home). had great dinner at a cafe and a few beers around town. took boat to viking ship museum. pretty cool ships. well preserved. city hall is odd here, very 1930´s looking. go to wikipedia and look at it. strange. took 4pm train to Bergen on the W. Coast.

To be continued - need to go into town. Have to buy dress shirts & drink pints.