Saturday, June 30, 2007

june 25: Pisa is dead to me. Go To Lucca!!!

boring ride out of La Spezia. It was seriously 10 miles of beachfront restaurants. couldn't even see the beach from there. then we made our first mistake. we listened to Graeme. he convinced Ben that he needed to see the leaning tower of Pisa. Ben half heartedly aagreed. I was overruled. Turns out that Pisa is a huge tourist trap with bad food in the area around the tower no surprise there) and the tower is not all that different from the one in Niles. Really. Plus, they stabilized it and it doesn't even lean as much as it used to anymore. turns out G just wanted to skip riding over some mountains, he didnt really want to go to Pisa that much anyhow.

The ride into Lucca looked beautiful....from the train that is. the city has this huge earthen wall to protect it from medieval invaders or the French. not sure. all the walls were turned into walking paths & parks and inside the walls, it is almost exclusively bikes and scooters. amazing city to get lost in. which we did before dinner. stumbled on a gelateria run by a brit who directed us to a place called Trattoria Leo. had to actually make a reservaation and come back, so you know its good. had great primi piatti pasta, soup, etc) and decent main dishes. free limoncello drinks after dinner were the highlight I think.

come to Lucca. It was a top 5 city on this trip w/ Avignon, Girona, 5 Terre and Florence. that is my pitch.

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