Thursday, June 14, 2007

the weirdness continues

so, I got a little behind on the blog. we are in france now where they dont use a qwerty keyboard like us, so i am hunting & pecking to find the letters to type this....)

the ride out of girona was hilly and shoulderless at times, but i lived to write this. saw more odd things like a woman on a motorcycle skid out & crash on the highway as well as a beer truck accident (you can imagine how that smelled in the hot sun).

on the way to the coast, we got our first rainstorm, although Graeme thinks it was hail. either way, it caused the woman on the moto to take a digger. the pannier covers actually worked and our stuff stayed dry.

the spanish port town of llanca was underwhelming. in fact it was spooky how empty it was. we stayed in a hotel of 33 rooms that had 31 empty. we had a 50/50 shot of ending up dead, so we barricaded the doors and took turns standing guard. ok, I made that last part up.

to avoid the dreaded pyranees mts, Graeme took the train to perpignan france along with half my load. the climb over into france was tough, but i made it pretty quickly. it turns out i was missing my 3 lowest gears...those wouldve been nice, huh?

the only thing that stopped my progess that day was the french government. in argeles sur mer, i encountered a big blue sign w/ a picture of a car on it. can i take this road on a bike? who knew, and i was tired, so i took the train to perpignan to meet G. my rationale: the mts were done and i wont miss 20km of highway riding. i got a train ticket at the station & the lady thought i was italian. i dont know how to feel about that.

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